3 Reasons Your Business Needs Janitorial Insurance

Most companies will demand you have janitorial insurance before you can work with them. This ensures they do not have to cover any damage that may occur due to standard working practices or accidents during work. Though why is it so necessary, and what are your benefits?

We have brought together some reasons why you might want to consider this coverage when reviewing your insurance options. As you read them, consider what might happen if you do not pick up this form of insurance and whether your business can afford not to investigate it.

1. Liability Protection

Janitorial liability protection is a catch-all that can cover a very wide range of incidents. For example, should one of your employees slip or trip on cleaning supplies, you can cover that with this form of business insurance. It also helps ensure you can compensate a client’s property should damage come to it in your line of work.

This insurance helps you defend against any potential claims or lawsuits that might happen due to these incidents. Without it, any of these unexpected situations could cause you huge financial losses and impact your ability to run your company. With it, you have the peace of mind you need to know you can continue your role safely and securely without worrying about sudden surprises.

2. Protection From Employee Theft

Some brokers offer several levels of protection from malicious employees. While you may not find it covered by common janitorial insurance policies, they can often be very useful. These types of insurance programs can cover many types of behavior.

If you ensure your records are in order, you can receive protection such as dishonesty, forgery, or alteration coverage. You can even receive theft of money coverage for more direct actions employees take.

If you do not cover yourself in this way, you may face significant losses from malign activity. This can also cover your attempts to protect yourself from legal fees and other steps during an investigation.

You will want to speak with your broker to ensure you get appropriate coverage for this possibility.

3. Coverage for Lost Property

During the cleaning process, there is always the possibility of accidental loss of company property. This might be your company’s property, or it might be the client’s.

Losing a client’s property could have a major impact on their security, especially if you lose something, such as their keys. As such, when searching through different types of insurance, ensure you have this coverage. It will allow you to compensate your client for accidents that might occur.

Pick Up Janitorial Insurance

Of course, with the above points, it is apparent why janitorial insurance is paramount in the industry. As such, we would like to offer you our expertise.

We have specialists in this area of insurance who can discuss with you the ins and outs of what it means to receive this coverage. So talk to us today and have the assurances you and your clients need in the future.